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The Giants

I started the giant pumpkins. Here's my process: 1. Choose the seeds. I chose the 2517 Haist, largest pumpkin in the world last year, 3rd...

"I Will Go if I Must" - Demo

I started writing this one back in the fall and just finished it at the end of February. This is the first song I've finished writing in...

Growing a Year's Worth of Vegetables

This must be my fifth or sixth year trying to grow a year's worth of vegetables in my home gardens. I say trying because I will usually...

Writing Like Crazy

I've been writing like crazy. It's been going on since Thanksgiving. I read Julia Cameron's The Artist's Way and I've been writing the...

The Making of Stand Together

I love being in the studio. I've recorded all of my records at The Blasting Room with my good friend, Andrew Berlin engineering and...

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